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Crystal Ball & Feng Shui

Still focused on my Crystal ball journey I found a great article about Crystal balls and Feng Shui..

Crystal Ball Journey

But first... Are you familiar with Feng Shui?

If your not I would actually be suprised...It is a very ancient practice...

Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. The term feng shui literally translates as "wind-water" in English. Feng shui is one of the Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics, classified as physiognomy (observation of appearances through formulas and calculations).

The feng shui practice discusses architecture in metaphoric terms of "invisible forces" that bind the universe, earth, and man together, known as qi.

The history of feng shui covers 3,500+ years before the invention of the magnetic compass. It originated in Chinese astronomy

The oldest examples of instruments used for feng shui are liuren astrolabes, also known as shi. These consist of a lacquered, two-sided board with astronomical sightlines. The earliest examples of liuren astrolabes have been unearthed from tombs that date between 278 BC and 209 BC. Along with divination for Da Liu Ren.. What is Da Liu Ren? Well that is a good question that I asked as well.. I will save that for another day... Now Back to the Crystal Ball

(*Source used was Wikipedia)


Now back to that article I mentioned "The Crystal Ball Use in Feng Shui"

By Rodika Tchi, Feng Shui Expert

(... I loved the way it was written so I wanted to keep it intact... )

The crystal ball is shrouded with veils of occult energy and power. The most common visual association with the crystal ball is the image of a psychic reader gazing into the crystal ball while their bewildered client uncomfortably waits for info. Maybe your mind conveys images of powerful ancient oracles with majestic clear quartz crystal balls in front of them, waiting in silence for the unfoldment of mystery. Or, maybe a medieval alchemist is peering through the layers of your mind? You can see captivating images of his laboratory with timeworn manuscripts layered on a massive oak table; crackling, half lit candles and crystal balls of various sizes adorning the dusty shelves. Whatever visual associations one might have related to a crystal ball, the overall understanding is similar - a crystal ball can help see the future or access the past. The crystal ball was not the only tool used to access hidden info. Almost all natural elements - especially fire and water - were used to open windows into another dimensions. Unlike fire and water, though, (which need special circumstances to be activated for a seer's purpose), the crystal ball can become a powerful, lifelong tool for the skilled practitioner; always available to help.

WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT THE CRYSTAL BALL? The crystal ball has the energy of harmony and perfection owing to its spherical shape - considered the superior shape since ancient times - as well as its quartz crystal properties. A high quality, clear crystal ball will anchor the energy of lightin a very harmonious, smooth and constant motion. A liquid quality of the most subtle healing energy can be brought by a crystal ball to any space, be it home, office or garden. Its energy will calm and neutralize many negative emotions, while putting the mind to a better use - from worries about the future to envisioning a better one. WHERE DOES THE CRYSTAL BALL COME FROM? Crystal balls are man made from crystals mined in many countries, from Brazil to India. WHAT ARE THE SPECIFIC FENG SHUI PROPERTIES OF A CRYSTAL BALL? In feng shui crystal balls are used to bring a harmonious, calming energy to any space. If a house has many arguments, a clear quartz crystal ball will be placed in the living room to soothe and clear the energy. Crystal balls can also be used in a business setting to smooth the edges of chaotic, competitive energy and make it more productive. To amplify the power of a crystal ball in your feng shui applications, you can use various crystals, such as rose quartz, citrine, amethyst or clear quartz. A black obsidian sphere will bring a very strong, grounding energy (excellent for business), while a rose quartz crystal ball will create a gently soothing, loving and nourishing energy (excellent for bedroom or children's room). WHERE DO I PLACE THE CRYSTAL BALL FOR GOOD FENG SHUI? Depending on your needs, you will place the crystal ball in an area that needs more harmony, light and fresh energy. Some common feng shui uses of the crystal ball are in the following bagua areas of your home:

  • Love & Marriage area (Southwest)

  • Personal Growth & Self-Cultivation area (Northeast)

  • Children & Creativity (West)

  • The Heart of Home (Center).

WHAT CRYSTAL BALL SHOULD I CHOOSE? There is a variety of crystal balls on the market - clear quartz, smoky quartz, black obsidian, rose quartz, citrine and amethyst being the most popular ones. Choose a crystal with the energy that speaks to you, or read the properties of specific crystals and choose one according to your needs. For example, the rose quartz is used for love energy (to attract love, nourish it or heal a broken heart), smoky quartz is used to ground and bring stability, whileclear quartz is an overall healing crystal that can be charged and used to help accomplish a variety of goals.

Please visit their website for more insight on Feng Shui -

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